Morning glory, moonflower, and sweet pea vines work well with wooden fences.
A fence covered in outdoor vines is lovely and can be a great addition to your property. But sometimes, they hold on tight to the fence and bring it down. Has your fence recently been ruined by vegetation? Are you currently searching for a new fence? If your home is located in Virginia, then you’re in luck! Reach out to Hercules Fence of Northern Virginia for professional fence installation. Look into these fences appropriate for your growing outdoor vines.
Wooden Fences
If your home in Virginia has a wooden fence, it’s most likely that your vines are unsafe to your fence’s longevity. The safest vines for wooden fences are annual, non-woody vines. You can direct these vines to grow around the fence posts or along your fence’s upper support beams. Examples of yearly vines that work well with wooden fences are morning glory, moonflower, and sweet pea. Keep in mind these vines should be removed once the growing season ends.
Vinyl Fences
Moreover, homeowners shouldn’t have any structural concerns regarding vinyl fences. Vinyl fences are weather-resistant and can survive almost anything. They are ideal for homeowners who want their climbing vines to improve the privacy of their spaces due to their longevity. Another advantage of having vinyl fences in your Virginia home is that vinyl is a non-porous surface that does not allow staining, making it effortless for cleaning your vinyl fence.
Aluminum Fences
In addition, aluminum fences are considered the most readily beautified of all fences. Their longevity and open framework set the foundation for a “living fence.” Aluminum fences can withstand wisteria vines, rambling roses, and other heavy woody vines. Grapevines are beautiful on aluminum fences. They can provide full coverage within a few growing seasons and add intense color and aroma to your home.
Unfortunately, many of these beautiful vines can’t be used on wooden fences. Wisteria, trumpet vine, and different types of ivy are examples of woody vines that can be detrimental if you ever choose to go with a wooden fence.
Choose Hercules Fence Northern Virginia for All of Your Fencing Needs!
Hercules Fence Northern Virginia has countless fencing options for your home and commercial property. Whether you are excited about a beautiful vinyl chain link fence or already planning out your custom wood commercial fence, we are ready to help you frame and secure your property. Hercules Fence Northern Virginia has been providing homeowners with quality fences for over 50 years. We are well equipped to meet your needs, whether they are residential or commercial. Contact us to see how a beautiful wood fence can protect your property by giving us a call at 703-551-2609 or visiting us online. To see examples of our work, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Flickr.