A new fence installation is one of the most exciting home improvement projects you can complete this fall.
A new fence installation is one of the most exciting home improvement projects you can complete this fall. If you are planning on replacing your existing fence or adding a new fence to your yard, here is what you should know before getting started.
Let It Set
Once you’ve installed your fence, you need to let it fully dry and set before you attempt to seal or paint it. Depending on the wood your fence is made from, the manufacturer applied different finishes to the product, so staining it too early will cause a poor-quality result. Wait at least a few weeks before staining the fence or painting it.
Pools Need Protection
Are you installing a fence because you plan on adding a pool to your yard next year? A pool fence is a necessity (by law) in many states and municipalities. Choose a fence that is at least four feet tall, and that has a self-closing gate to prevent children and pets from getting in without supervision.
Use the Right Hinges
When building or hanging a gate on your own, it can be easy to underestimate how big of a hinge you need. Keep in mind that solid gates can be very heavy, so they need a sturdy base to hang from without sagging. If you have a gate that is made from pressure-treated wood, plan on setting the posts deep in the ground and covering them with cement.
Keep the Pretty Side Facing Out
Installing a fence with the “nice” side facing your yard instead of your neighbors can lead to hurt feelings and complaints. When planning a new fence installation in your yard, ensure that the nicer side of the fence is facing out, so that your fence isn’t someone else’s eyesore.
Don’t Over-Span
Once you have posts, you’ll be attaching all of the fence sections to them. Sections typically are 6 to 8 feet long. Keep in mind that you should never set posts more than 8 feet apart. By spanning the sections out over a length longer than 8 feet, you are setting yourself up for storm damage in the future.
Know Your Lines
Last, but definitely not least, you need to ensure that you know where your property lines are before installing the fence. If you haven’t had your property surveyed in the past three years, wait until the surveyor updates you before staking out your fence.
Choose Hercules Fence Northern Virginia for All of Your Fencing Needs
Hercules Fence Northern Virginia has countless fencing options for your home and commercial property. Whether you’re excited for a beautiful vinyl chain link fence or already planning out your custom wood commercial fence, we are ready to help you frame and secure your property. Hercules Fence Northern Virginia has been providing homeowners with quality fences for over 50 years. We are well equipped to meet your needs, whether they are residential or commercial. Contact us to see how a beautiful wood fence can protect your property by giving us a call at 703-551-2609 or visiting us online. To see examples of our work, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Flickr.